Should I Use SPF Inside My House?

Should I Use SPF Inside My House?

While it may seem like a silly question, many people are curious to know whether we should be wearing sunscreen indoors. The answer goes both ways.

While it’s not necessary to use SPF indoors in most cases, it IS a good idea to wear it if you’re going to be sitting in a sunny area of your home for prolonged periods. For instance, if you work from your home office where sunlight comes in on you, it’s a good idea to use SPF.

After all, the sun is the leading cause of wrinkles and skin issues. Sunscreen protects our skin and body from damaging UV rays, which minimizes our risk of developing skin diseases like cancer or premature aging. The sun’s rays are powerful and flow in through the glass, potentially impacting our skin.

Should We Wear Sunscreen Inside?

Yes! Since UV rays can pass through glass windows, it’s essential to wear SPF indoors and in our vehicles. Especially if we’re going to be in the sun (direct or indirect) for extended periods of time. It’s believed that a majority of UV hand aging happens while we’re driving. But don’t forget your neck, face, chest, and hands.

Glass windows will and do filter out UVB rays, but UVA rays can still pass through them, which is harmful to our skin. UVA rays penetrate a deeper layer of skin than UVB, causing more damage. UVA rays are said to be the root cause of skin cancer, premature aging, and hyperpigmentation.

Next time you’re planning a “day in,” be mindful of the sun, and don’t forget the SPF when it’s needed.

Will Sunscreen Protect Skin Against Blue Light?

Not all sunscreen is created equal. That said, not all SPF will protect our skin against blue light. Blue light is the light emitted from our screens, phones, laptops, or TVs. 

For protection against blue light, we’ll want formulas containing microfine titanium dioxide. This is so because it offers significantly higher levels of protection against UVA and blue lights.

Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are minerals responsible for creating physical sunscreens. Physical sunscreen sits atop our skin, bouncing light off of the surface, protecting it from damage. Chemical sunscreen draws light inward, but it still offers protection by absorbing the sun’s rays.

Should We Reapply SPF Indoors?

When it comes to sunscreen applications, it’s advised to reapply it every two hours. However, when we’re indoors, reapplying sunscreen is needed less often.

Being in the great outdoors and soaking up the sun is an excellent thing, and it’s necessary. However, we should always be mindful of protecting our bodies inside and out. It’s common knowledge that we apply SPF when we’re going to be outside; however, it’s not so common to hear of people using it indoors.

The sun is a unique and powerful thing; while it’s excellent to be in awe of the bright sunshine, we should also be aware of how powerful those rays are, and the effect they can (and will) have on our bodies.